The presence of Japanese Knotweed in a garden can have a devasting effect on the price and saleability of a house. The plant is very difficult to eradicate and any treatment is costly. As the plant … [Read more...]
Brooke Homes (Bicester) Limited –v- Portfolio Property Partners Limited and Others [2021] – All Reasonable Endeavours in Property Contracts
In this case, the High Court looked at the legal meaning of the phrase “all reasonable endeavours”, which is commonly found in property contracts. The defendant group of companies had strategically … [Read more...]
Burgess v Lejonvarn – when friends fall out
This case is a cautionary tale of the duties owed when someone acts for a friend in a professional capacity. Mr and Mrs Burgess and Mrs Lejonvarn were friends in North London. Mrs Lejonvarn had … [Read more...]
Cash in the attic window
It was recently reported that the proposed development of a skyscraper at 22 Bishopsgate in the City of London might have to be abandoned due to issues relating to rights of light. The delays involved … [Read more...]